A journalistic approach to the human condition.
Show all | #Armenia #Austria #Bangladesh #China #Civil Society #Commentary #Croatia #Deutsch #Digital Rights #English #Feature #Feminism #Fotography #France #Germany #Italy #Migration #Motorcycle #Music #Open Source #Report #Spain #Talk #Tunisia #Ukraine #WarNo more Linux Mobile
January 21st 2025 | #Armenia #Croatia #Digital Rights #English #Open Source
Since last fall, I haven't been daily driving the pinephone pro anymore. This is due to it not meeting the requirements that my work brings with it and a severe bug that hasn't been fixed in stable (yet). Here's some background - and why this probably doesn't mean that you couldn't daily drive a linux mobile phone.
More >Paper Cut Audio Editing for Radio Journalism
April 1st 2024 | #English #Open Source
tl;dr: It's no longer necessary to slowly listen to audio for editing interviews, you can do it with simple text files. Work as fast as you can read!
There is now a way to edit (automatically generated) audio transcripts in a text editor like Vim(!) and then tell the computer to apply all the changes in the text to the corresponding audio(s). No more slow cuts in audio tools like Audacity/Tenacity or painful transcriptions by hand. Instead fast, efficient and nerdy. This changes my radio production workflow fundamentally. And the best part is, we don't need expensively licensed software from some startup to do it, it's possible with open source tools that are easily available and adaptable to our specific needs.
Disclaimer: The following text describes a workflow that might seem daunting for people who don't use linux or have never opened a command line interface. I've tried to make it an interesting read anyway, for the less technically inclined, you can stick to part I and III, just skip part II.
More >Daily Driving the Pinephone Pro
January 29th 2024 | #Digital Rights #English #Open Source
tl;dr: I've used the Pinephone Pro running postmarketOS with SXMO for long trips and as a main phone for a while. I love the freedom the Pinephone Pro gives me to work with FOSS software for so many things and that it helps me to elude the smartphone doom spiral. I hate that I still feel bad using it as a phone (terrible audio) and that it constantly has annoying glitches everywhere. But the feeling when something suddenly works because someone was so awesome to implement it is great every time the software matures. I hope those days are near where this moment comes for call audio, battery life and camera support.
That being said, here's some background, what works, where it glitches and what you can expect from linux on this mobile phone.
Update 2024-06-23: I've switched to stable v23.06. due to a bug with the disk encryption. Also I now recommend using cronie for reliable cronjobs, as it deals better with suspend, and I've found a way to bypass reboots after modem crashes.
More >Der Kampf um das Internet
December 8th 2023 | #Civil Society #Deutsch #Digital Rights #Open Source #Talk
Die Technik, die wir nutzen, verändert unsere Welt, das ist soweit klar. Doch wo genau laufen eigentlich Konfliktlinien, und zwischen welchen Akteuren? Im Buch Der Kampf um das Internet von Stefan Mey geht es darum, wie die bekannten Tech-Giganten von einer anderen digitalen Gegenwelt herausgefordert werden, dass jenseits des kommerzialisierten Internets eine andere Welt nicht nur möglich ist, sondern auch schon lange da ist. Das Buch beleuchtet diese digitale Gegenwelt und bietet ein Einstieg in die Ideen dahinter, die Programme und Werkzeuge und zeigt, auf warum diese digitale Gegenwelt für eine solidarische Gesellschaft wichtig ist. Ein Gespräch mit dem Autor, irgendwo zwischen Buchrezension und inhaltlicher Auseinandersetzung.
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