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Armenia between Change and Apathy

April 7th 2023 | #Armenia #Civil Society #Deutsch #English #Feature

(deutsche version weiter unten)

The Cascades of Yerevan, that important tourist hotspot on any sightseeing tour of the city, are also quite symbolic of politics and society in Armenia. Elegance meets evening spectacle here in a Soviet-style monumentality that ends abruptly in a construction site, unfinished and also sold to an investor who promised the completion of the site.

Die Kaskaden in Jerewan bei Nacht und das Gespenst eines Strommasts. Grafik: Lente/RadioCorax (CC BY-NC-SA) But every new crisis in the country is a welcome reason to delay further investment. From the top of the cascades, in good weather, the view would fall on Mount Ararat, Armenia's holy mountain - which today lies in Turkey. The border: closed. In this place in Yerevan, social problems and international conflicts unfold in all directions, like cables on one of the city's electricity poles. An exploration of the reality of life and perspectives for the people of Armenia.

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